What I Saw This Morning

When I go out the back door in the morning on my way to feed the bucks and rams, I have a "few" other stops I make along the way. First to greet me is Roxy, one of our rescue dogs since she sleeps on top of the freezer right out the back door.

 Last night, we brought Baby back to the stall since she is ready to drop kids sometime soon here. I peeked over the gate to see if she had any surprises for me - she didn't.

    Next in sight were the 2 wild cows - I call them the "Phantom Cows of the Forest". It took several tries and then the neoghbor's 2 herding dogs to finally chase them off the 40 acres and into a smaller pen.

Next in my view was the tree that was broke in half last night during a big wind storm, of which, I was out in! Thankfully it didn't take out my turkey yard or little duck cage!

 Here is a closer pic of the tree snapped in half:

Next on my morning path is the meat bunny barn. I fed all that needed feed. Some are on free-feed until we butcher them. We butchered 10 yesterday and 9 just last week. We have about 18 more to put into the freezer and more are in the nesting boxes.

 Here are the turkeys that are right outside the bunny barn.

Here are the bucks and rams eating the morning hay bale that I brought them:

And, over the fence, the ewes and guard donkey are waiting to see if I'll throw them a few extra flakes. I always do!

 These pics show the ewes devouring their flakes as if they are starving! They aren't as they have access to our 40 acres for most of the day!

 Here is the "Log Loafer" pen that the younger rams and bucks are in at the moment. They  were screaming at me in this pic as I came closer with their hay.

Here are a few renegade squash plants that are growing in one of the unused pig pens.

Down by the garden there are 3 white Muscoveys living in a tractor until they get a little bit bigger. Here is a sneak peek into their habitat.

One more of them from the outside of their tractor.

I also took a quick look at the tomato plants that I weeded around yesterday. They survived the storm that went through last night. It was a good thing that I weeded around them as the weeds were almost as tall as me!!

Back towards the bunny barns is another tractor that has some younger birds in it. There are some White Leghorns and Black Australorps in it. Plus, a special kind of chicken called a Turken.

Here is a good shot of a Turken. Whatcha think? Some folks like them and some hate them. I think they are kind of . . . ummm . . . cute!?! Some of my children say I am raising vultures.

Last, but not least, on my morning round of check-ups are the 3 little Chocolate Muscoveys. They looked happy to eat up the scrap bread that I tossed in their cage. I am hoping to get them into a tractor in the garden area also.

     After all of this, I headed back in the house and drank a jar of Kefir mixed with goat milk, helped bottle the 5 baby goats and them milked 21 head of goats plus 1 milk sheep! When these "same 'ole, same 'ole" chores were done, the day was ready to start!!


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