31 for 21 - Coturnix Quail

          I have tossed the idea of raising quail around for a year or more. Well, several months ago I bought a group of chicks from someone I know and there happened to be 14 Coturnix quail chicks in that batch of birds that were 10 days old. They were cute and small. We raised them up not really realizing what we were getting into. Within weeks (7 to be exact) we found little eggs in the cage with them!! I figured I better start doing some research - I found out that these unique little birds are quite amazing, as they begin laying eggs at 7 to 8 weeks of age! They are like little action-packed, power-filled little birds. Their egg-laying abilities are just one benefit of them. They also are very hearty and do not seem to be as sensitive to some of the various bird diseases and viruses that go around at times. They also do not actually consume that much of the game bird feed that we buy for them (unless of course, you have one that likes to scratch the feed out of the food container).

Here is some interesting info about quail eggs from Chadborn Game Farm and Slowsprings Farm 

Below we have addressed some of the more frequent quotes and statements you will find on-line or in literature about the Quail Egg.  Typically the statements made about Quail Egg nutrition are taken at face value or even chalked up to folklore.  Really, you never see the specifics about each vitamin and mineral the Quail Egg offers and how it helps a human body. So we have elaborated on the most frequently seen Quail Egg benefit statements...
  • "Quail egg nutritional value is three to four times greater than chicken eggs. For instance, Quail eggs contain 13 percent proteins, compared to 11 percent in chicken eggs."
Why is this important? Because protein is what our body needs to build muscle and use as a long term energy source. Carbohydrates, when consumed and not used by the body end up becoming fat that we carry. Protein found in Quail eggs is of superior quality in that it is accompanied by a very high nutrient load. As follows:
  • "Quail Eggs contain 140 percent of vitamin B1 compared to only 50 percent in chicken eggs."
Why is Vitamin B1 important?  B1 is also called Thiamine. Thiamine is responsible in the biosynthesis of GABA. Deficiency in Thiamine can cause optic neuropathology, Korzkoff's syndrome, a condition called Beriberi (involving neurological system, cardio vascular systems and gastrointestinal systems), malaise, weight loss, irritability and confusion.  Thiamine is essential and can be obtained easily by consuming Quail Eggs.    
  • "Quail eggs provide five times as much iron and potassium."
Why are Iron and Potassium (minerals) essential to the human diet? Iron deficiency can result in anemia. Iron is essential in binding to protein and carrying oxygen in the blood. Pre-menopausal women and children are most susceptible to Iron deficiency. An Iron deficiency begins via the main regulatory mechanism of Iron, situated in the gastrointestinal tract. When Iron is not absorbed there,  deficiency /anemia can result. Quail eggs, providing 5 times the Iron to a chicken egg are simply a far superior source in so small a portion. Potassium when mildly  deficient in humans typically shows no symptoms...However when symptoms do arise from a lack of Potassium intake they can present in the form of muscle weakness, muscle cramps and or constipation.  The main way we loose Potassium is through excessive fluid losses such as sweating, polyuria (urinating a lot due to medications or diuretics such as caffeine intake) and by fluid losses from being sick (vomiting and such).  

Here is a picture of the quail egg:

Since those original 14 Quail, we now have about 31 adults, about 30 teenagers and 39 babies!! Someday, I hope to build a flight cage like the one below and also raise Bobwhite Quail!!


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